Monday, May 4, 2009

A Call

The call is upon us - do or die. Believe the hype or believe the higher power, the source, the divine call to stand up in truth.

Fuck the swine flu, the economy, the bailouts and bankruptcies, American Idol and Facebook quizzes. It's all a distraction; none of it will save you from yourself, from your fear, from your mortal terror of having to surrender your life over to God, to truth, to Oneness.

It is a time for simplicity, returning to source, to essence. Shoot some roots, deep down into the earth and stand tall, motherfuckers. It's not a time for playing small, playing games, or panicking. There's no time for that bullshit. Just let it go.

What's in your heart? What really matters? That's the call. That's the request. To truly know ourselves, our purpose, our being, our reasons, whatever they may be. To live as love.

We've distracted, numbed, avoided, run, hid, and fought all this shit for too long. All for what?

To avoid facing the truth of who we are.

Well, it's time to find out what we're really made of. Do or die. Keep playing the game or surrender.

What are you afraid of, really?

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